
BrainovateTM solutions don’t come ‘off-the-shelf’, we work with you to find and tailor the right programme for your organisation. We have a comprehensive portfolio and extensive experience of working with major corporations, which yields insights into cutting-edge business trends. So, we’ll agitate, challenge and put forward solid and practical ideas; that’s exactly why our clients want to work with us.

Creative leadership development

Creative leadership development means fostering a learning environment in which your people can purposefully and creatively find solutions to challenges, problems or goals. Where they can co-create, empathise and design sustainable ways forward. Where they embrace change and look for opportunities for growth. Where they envision desirable futures and unleash their courage, energy and potential.

We design and facilitate long-term leadership programmes for management teams and high potentials, purposeful one-off leadership interventions as well as experience workshops in cities all over the world.


Legacy Leadership®, is a complete development programme – a philosophy, process and model. It’s not just a leadership style, it’s a life system for success and a way of ‘being’, not just ‘doing’. Legacy Leadership® is about building people who will lead, inspire and grow themselves as they grow your business. This is not about leaving a legacy behind, it is about living your legacy in the present, every day.


Brainovate’s innovative programme is inspired by the words, songs and personalities from the world of rock music. The workshop answers the simple question “What can business leaders learn from the world of rock’n’roll?”. Let’s Rock Leadership is a personal branding exercise for leaders who want a fast paced interactive and memorable learning experience.

Other creative leadership solutions:

  • Essential Coaching skills
  • Self-leadership
  • Decision making and goal setting
  • Emotional agility and resilience
  • Influencing and inspiration
  • Team dynamics – motivational profiling
  • Women who lead
  • Fostering creativity and innovation
  • Creative problem-solving
  • Expanding our potential
  • Expectations and feedback
  • Presentation skills
  • Conflict management
  • Vision, mission, strategy workshops
  • Take the pulse culture sessions
  • Culture shift workshops
  • Accountability at all levels

Leadership Audit

The Leadership Audit is a unique pre-programme needs analysis with a difference.

It’s part of our before, during and after approach to learning. In simple terms, it’s a series of powerful leadership coaching conversations carried out between our Brainovate consultants and your key leaders or influencers.

The purpose of these conversations is firstly to assess participants leadership development readiness and skill development needs.

Secondly, it also helps HR departments get an overview of organisational, training or coaching needs without having to go through complex and costly assessments.

Thirdly, it empowers participants and gives them a voice on the coach / facilitator they will work with as well and have a real say in the outputs of any programme.

Leadership Wellness

We help integrate Leadership Wellness into your teams’ leadership attitudes and behaviours and we focus on all 7 pillars:  emotional, intellectual, spiritual, financial, environmental, social as well as physical. It becomes a way of leading, a part of the culture.

We carry out an online gamified wellness assessment on the health of your company and we give you a detailed report on the results and key improvement areas.

We provide support, feedback, follow-up as well as leadership development training. We help you keep track of people’s engagement with the wellbeing initiatives through a centralised and gamified event registration platform.

Coaching and Mentoring

We design and implement coaching and mentoring programmes for leaders. We provide help for mentor-mentee matching, coach and mentor support as well as professional executive coaching.

Whether it’s a one-off intervention for an individual or for entire teams, we will be with you before, during and after the process.

Team offsites

We love getting creative with team initiatives, whether we’re talking purpose and strategy development, kick off events, leadership retreats, celebrating important organisational milestones, innovation sessions, team away days or company mergers.

It takes more than just a trip outside the office and a collection of fun initiatives to create sustainable movement and change back in the work-place.

We help design the offsites to challenge thinking, help people engage and take ownership over their actions and decisions.


Emotional and Relationship Intelligence training and certifications

We are living in a rapidly changing world and our workplaces are keeping up with it.

There hasn’t been a greater need for emotional and relationship intelligence than the one we’re facing right now. In fact, both have been predicted to be in the top 6 most in demand skills in 2020.

Being able to empathise, to enhance our self-awareness and intentionally influence others, to positively handle and support accelerated change, to manage conflicts effectively, to engage and empower others, to develop our collaborative leadership skills are all vital skills in our workplaces.

We’ve proudly partnered as distributors with 2 of the top global companies in developing emotional workplace culture and emotionally intelligent leaders.




We offer both in house E.I. and Relationship intelligence training and coaching, as well as certifications.